
166 Audio Reviews

104 w/ Responses

My review, your song.

Intro to 0:44 is good.

0:45 choir aahs are added. I found them a bit breif and backgroundy.

Ahh become sustanined at 0:56, piano added. Building nicely.

1:05 guitar is added and piano begins playing all over (in a workable music kind of way).

1:35 piano scale should have adapted abit better to the music I think. The setup is great, but the notes themselves repeating the same few note scale could have been transposed up and down to fit better.

2:00-ish guitars back doing a rythmic grunge background thing - it works.

2:30 Drums are becoming very background noise at this point in time. Just constant hammering of the kick with the only detailings being snares. Or atleast thats how it feels.

2:55 rev-pickup effect is nice, makes the shift to the next section of the song quite dandy.

3:19 introduction of a new guitar riff, drums show some more diversity here in terms of hits/sounds used.

3:51 high contrast light section, I felt some indication it was going to pasue from the metal section would have done well there.

4:00-ish soft strings / guitar gets woventogether quite nicely.

4:15 piano is added to the mix, works well. Piano plays nothing too solidly attached to the music. It feels like its wandering.

4:50 piano bridge I feel could have lasted longer for good effect. It made a nice break and contrast from the drums thrashy pace.

5:30 Mesh of strings and guitar becomes abit more complex melody-acompaniment wise. I like this section.

6:00 Still liking, drums build nicely here.

Choir sound is adding well.

6:25 guitar fades in and out very briefly, had a nice effect, felt a bit like someone taking ina breath at the endo f a sentence.

6:50 strings get discordant, I think had they continued to get louder and louder, the synth section could have been introduced in a much more dynamic way. As is, it just kind of is tacked on. I feel it could have built up more.

7:30-ish strings / guitar plays out.

8:05-End, song just dithers out, it didn't have much of a proper ending. I think a reintroduction of the acoustic guitar used in the opening alongside drums/strings/synth could have just built up to a b ig bang. Or alternatively, just have the acoustic play the song off.

Over all, mix is quite good, FX are subtle but help move the song along, writing changes often enough that repetition isn't a great concern.

Drums could use a bit more diversity in terms of pacing, as well as perhaps a greater set of durm sounds used so progressive layering could have more possibilities.

Some of the song transitions could have been built up a bit better I think too.

Pleased to have picked this as a song to review, and I'm pleased to see a decent song of hardy length on NG.

Continue as your doing. :)

5/5 9/10

Shadrock responds:

This is quite possibly the most in-depth and detailed review I've ever been given, thanks man!

My review, your song.

Capitalize your song name, its a small step towards being taken seriously.

Intro bit works, background pad sound and melody work well with eachother.

Progression is slow, layering is nice, but it doesn't build up much at all.

Mix is pretty good, drums got interesting when the kick came in, towards 1:25 though they became too repetitive, no shuffling or mixing up of the beat.

To me it sounded like this could have been a pretty chill 5 minute song granted some progression occuring, and drum work additions.

However, its short and just doesn't go anywhere.

Whats down is great, but not at all expansive.

3/5 6/10

My review, your song.

Mix is above average for here on NG, sounds are fine, drums are 2step-y with the hats droning.

Drums could use some diversity.

Effects were unique.

Song at like 0:08 starts up and is very different then what hte intro lead me to believe.

Begins building, at like 0:25 it changes again.

The song simply changes too much, it ruins the flow and build of the song, and its not like "Whoa cool is all over the place." Cause its just all over the place.

Make the song longer, and give the listener a bit more of a chance to listen to things play out.

Sounds like it could be a great start.

3/5 6/10

01Glitch01 responds:

ty for the review now that ive read it i realize what you mean i plan to make a longer version and ill keep what you said in mind


My review, your song.

I like the use of the samples, and I'm in total agreement with your autho comments. (Which I wonder if they are in total agreement with my prior reviews.)

Your mixing needs work, I think the drums shouldn't have been drowned out by the main lead synth.

Also, your FL is showing with the sytrus Acid sound there.

If you need help with FL technicalities, or specifics as to what you need to look into, don't hesitate to PM me.

Song loops well enough.

3/5 6/10

LollipopNightmare responds:

Well Hell and O there!
Thanks for liking the 'just' of my songs. I know more drums would be beddar, but i am having the hardest time with making drum samples that i like. it's a pain. =P I'll get it though. no biggy, i just get bored with tryng to pump things out that i dont really like.. like drums. i usually go for the more creepy, wonderous, mysterious, 'hey what's this?" kind of sound. and then i turn that into a happy or mindfucking audio doodle. it's just too bad that i don't have all the time i want to work on music. =P All the more reason to start on something and just add to it every day until it's done. i'm a single mom, and choosing to spend the time that i do get to myself on making music can get a lil weird after a bit. I have soooo much to do all the time.. and i'm spending it making pointless music on my laptop?! it's an adiction i suppose. I've been at it since 2006. i should be WAYYY better. and i would prolly be better if I didnt move to 4 different states in the past 3 years with a 3 year old. for now we just use my music to listen to while we draw. my boyfriend is an artist and writer for Zomboid Comics Presents! They love having music to 'Art Jam' to. ^.^


thanks for all of you comments. apprecciate ya! If i have some extra time and wanna have a few random questions answered, i'll shoot you a pm.
-amandacon superion-

My review, your song.

So I'm picking up a trend of dark in sound (Sad/mysterious/lonely those sort of 'emotions'), minimalistic, short, discordant loops.

You nearly always intro on a pad-like synth, add a simple accompaniment, whether its an additional lead, or bass, that seems 50-50ish.

Often some minimalistic drums come in which will switch on and off about 2-4 times in a minute of song time.

Minute song time seems to be your reigning average length. There are of course exceptions, but of the 15 or so songs I checked out, only 2 were greatly over a minute.

The pixel-grinding sound in here made for a nice contrast.

Most of your songs have very little progression and are just kind of whispy and directionless.

Also you drum tracks tend to be more ambient in nature then percussion that really adds to the song.

I think instead of working on making a song a day, or in one sitting, you should work towards making a longer more coherent piece, and develop a more intricate writing style. Your submissions from nearly 2 years ago don't vary too much from the ones you are submitting now. (Obviously theres been improvement, but in writing style not a ton.)

I do however like your choice of instrumentation quite a lot, the sounds used always fit together, and despite being primarily FL presets, does not stand out as such.

3/5 5/10

LollipopNightmare responds:

Well, it sounds like you know me!
or that you listened to my music. ^.^
so yes, i will take into consideration the fact that i need to stop being so impatient and work on one song over a longer period of time.
Although I like what I can come up with in 30 minutes.. i'm sure it would be a bit more rewarding to have a song that sounds great that others will want to also want to enjoy.
I really need to get better and 'drumming it up'.
my drums suck..... wah.


My review, your song.

Intro on 'mysterious' notes, sort of sad. Synth used has a nice clear tone to it.

0:07 bass adds nicely, makes the tone of the song a fair bit darker.

0:10 Discordant notes, seems to work here.

0:14 / 0:21 note liking the faster playing synth, it kind of interrupted the flow of the song for me with its resonant sound.

Overall, low progression, short, simple drums, simple melody.

The loop isn't flawless, but its not clipping or anything.

Liked this one more then the other I reviewed.

3/5 6/10

My review, your song.

Write music when its not super late, and your not so tired.

Needs a mix, lacks a bass/accompaniment.

Very center based, this could benefit a ton from some subtle panning.

Melody does not progress, I see its a 1 minute loop, but even then, if half this was another melody, its looping for long periods of time while not becoming so repetitive would be much better.

In the future, spend more time on your songs, and raise yoru quality of work to that of a higher, more complete one.

1/5 3/10

My review, your song.

Simple beat, simple melody, not super layered, no major progression.

Just loopy-ambient.

It does loop well.

While I am giving this a low score, its not bad, and I encourage doing little audio 'doodles'. Over time you'll be capable of doing far more in 30 minutes.

2/5 5/10

LollipopNightmare responds:

I love this song... what are you talking about?
SImple beat...
Simple melody..
Not super layered...
sounds great!
Maybe it could be good background music..
background for thinking..
dancing with a 3 year old...
fast flash animated doodle....


i will try harder next time.
many thanks for your input.
i love it.

My review, your song.

Intro ressy-feedback song is dandy.

0:10 piano comes in smoothly, starts off a bit unerving and makes a quick change. I liked it. Piano sounds great, good mix of bass/lead and plays like a real piano.

Plucked sound in background adds nicely, strings do too. Layered quite well.

Final note had me waiting for a second chord. I think another one could have fit there to have concluded the song better then the abrupt ending.

Excellent piece. Lowered scores simply due to abrupt length.

3/5 7/10

My review, your song.

Back ground beat got annoying fast.

Intro guitar was neat.

This deserves a better mix on all the sounds.

Given its an improv session, I'm not about to review this as if it were a coherent peice of music. Mainly because its not.

Study your scales and keys, and stick to them when free playing, things will sound so much smoother.

2/5 5/10

Goh-Akumi responds:

Much appreciated!
I tend to try my best to stick to the keys, but the problem is, clumsy fingers sometimes happen. ;-;
thanks though!

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